
Art, music, movement, language, math, hands on activities & outdoor play are all very important for growing little minds and bodies.

Creating a positive self-image, character building, empathy towards others, social cues/skills and fostering independence/purpose are all important for growing little hearts.


Art allows children an opportunity to practice fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. All while creating something unique and boosting self-esteem.


Listening to and creating music has been proven to elevate mood and reduce stress. Dancing increases muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness.


Movement is imperative to a healthy mind and body. It aids in the development of stable limbs to support growing bodies.  


When children are read to, their cognitive skills, communication and imaginations grow. You can visit anywhere, learn about anything in a book.


One-to-one correspondence is an early learning math skill that involves the act of counting each object in a set once, and only once with one touch per object.


Outdoor play creates opportunities for social interaction, relaxation and collaboration. Children benefit from the fresh air and gross motor skill practice. 

Character Building

Activities and books are great aids in  modeling positive character traits. Helping children process emotions and interacting with other children.

Play & Social Skills

Playing is the most powerful learning tool for kids. Animals, cars, doctor, and imaginary people are great tools to teach children social cues and rules during play.  


Developing a positive self-image is key in growing a healthy individual. Positive affirmations and having small jobs give kids a sense of belonging. 

Hands On

Fine motor skills are the ability to make movements using the small muscles in our hands and wrists. We rely on these skills to do key tasks in everyday life.